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Scotlant Bank Notes

Three retail banks produce Scotland bank notes : Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank.
If you read their history, you’ll wonder : why did the banks put so much effort in doing that? Each note has its own history about the picture on it.

They look beautiful, don’t they? Uniformly, they are brown for the £10 notes, blue for £5, purple for £20, green for £50 and red for £100.
They have £100 notes? I didn’t know that before (we know that the Bank of England only issues £50 as its biggest-value notes).

In contrast, only one bank i.e. The Bank of England i.e. England’s central bank, produces bank notes for the much bigger England (the separate bank note low in the picture). Anyhow, we can use both notes in either Scotland or England (although you might get weird or maybe suspicious look when you use bigger £50 notes).
